Thursday, March 28, 2013

Naratriptan seizures

Unfortunately, it appears that the naratriptan that is helping Bundy's ataxia so much increases Reggie's seizure activity. We stopped giving it to see if he improves.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


After 2 1/2 months of this horrible cough with white sputum, I asked for a culture. Since reggie had been treated with IV antibiotics during his december hospitalization, i had a hard time convincing the doctors that this was bacterial. The culture came back positive for pseudomonas and enterococcus. Which is usually a nosocomial infection, so he acquired the pseudomonas during is last hospitalization. I am happy we have a treatable diagnosis. Reggie is in the hospital on IV Zosyn

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Trying a new approach to stabilize Reggie. My main goal right now is to stop his upper resp. Symptoms. Dr. Mooni used a combination of diet (liver, no diary, ginger, turmeric), herbs, massage, and homeopathy. Reggie has been on the regime for 1 week and has about a 50% reduction in symptoms. We have been able to decrease robinol to 1mg once a day.